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Titanium pyramid and its interaction with a Somavedic device

Titanium pyramid and its interaction with a Somavedic device

Size of the pyramid: base 100x100 mm

Purity of chemical composition - ASTM: Grade 2

Radius of an active influence: 33 meters (in diameter, shape of the field: variable - individual, based on the interaction with the device or an adept)

Energy emission: ca 820 000 BE*

Since I published my first analysis of a Somavedic device (it was model Harmony), I have come into contact with all kinds of “harmonisers” and emitters available in our area. All of that might become a book some day, or at least one big chapter. One of those functional and by far most interesting emitters is a titanium pyramid. What needs to be said is that it is one of the most mysterious ones.

What exactly is it?
Titanium is a greyish light metal, of which although there isn’t lack on Earth, but the technology of processing it is complex and therefore still very expensive. It is light, strong and exceptionally resilient. It is typical for its chemical stability - it is completely inert to being influenced by water (salt water too) and atmospheric gases and it can withstand an influence of most common mineral acids and solutions of alkaline hydroxides.

Titanium is also the name of the biggest moon of Saturn. It is the only moon of our solar system (officially) where strong atmosphere has been discovered and except for Earth it is the only object in the universe (officially), where the presence of permanent fluid structures on its surface has been verified with certainty.

Please notice that water. Titanium is present on planets where there’s water, but it doesn’t react or communicate with it in any way. Given the fact that more than 80 % of a human body is made of water, this is significant information. This brings us to the bottom line.

I don’t have exact information as to when, how, who and why someone had an idea to make a titanium pyramid with the proportions of the pyramid of Cheops. However I was told it is the „titanium” entity itself. Maybe its creators. Titanium doesn’t come from this world, at least in the context of our galaxy and also those neighbouring ones. For us it is an unknown and barely understandable form of multidimensional existence, home of which is in another universe. I’m having a hard time finding words to describe this alleged metal. However I consider this information very important, because without at least suspecting what titanium actually is, it would be irresponsible to work with a titanium pyramid or „just” let it do its job. The more information we have, the more freely we can decide.

What does it do?
As the name implies, it is two things. One is a titanium and the second is a pyramid - in the proportions of the pyramid of Cheops. Therefore it is a protoshape emitter enriched with a titanium element. It has two qualities and that is a form and an element - titanium. What a pyramid with these proportions can do is generally known. I want to point out that in our area, in then Czechoslovakia, Karel Drbal in 1959 registered a patent of a small and hollow copy of that Egyptian pyramid, under which he would put razor blades which „sharpened” themselves overnight. This patent is valid and I personally met several people who made a similar copy and they use it not only to sharpen razor blades, but for example to treat food (which is also my case and in future I will probably talk about this topic). This pyramid shape in itself generates strong positive energy, which it „draws” from the cosmos or the ether - I mention both options, because opinions differ and it’s possible both are correct.

Based on my findings titanium has completely difference frequency vibrations and also pattern of frequency vibrations. Frequency vibrations of titanium are very high, but I’m not able to define their pattern. In short it’s completely different from everything I have come across so far. Titanium pyramid is a generator of incredibly strong energy, which I see as neutral. When I first put it in my hand, within two minutes my nose started bleeding. This never happened to me with any energetic emitter and I emphasize that I don’t suffer from nose bleeding. It was just caused by the fact I didn’t anticipate this wave of energy and a small vein in my nose ruptured. Because of this experience I found out one very important thing and that is how to easily deactivate the pyramid. But I will get to that later.

The energy of a titanium pyramid can be used in any way and you can do almost anything with it. If you want to work with it, you need to work on yourself and especially with your heart chakra. In any case it’s the work for the “advanced”. If someone has been consciously working on themselves for a long time, the pyramid is a great helper or a good servant. If someone doesn’t work on themselves and buys the pyramid “just for fun”, it will be a bad master. The higher frequency vibrations a person has, the more effective a titanium pyramid can be. However this pyramid can be effectively “controlled” by Somavedic, which can also activate it. An activation of the pyramid can be done either mentally - energetically, where its owner influences it, or it can be done by Somavedic model Medic Ultra and Gold. What Somavedic can do with a titanium pyramid, is not only fantastic, but also completely safe.

Titanium pyramid and Somavedic
It’s important to define this connection: titanium pyramid is enhancing Somavedic in a specific way and at the same time Somavedic activates, enhances and controls the titanium pyramid.

After an activation by Somavedic, the strength potential of the pyramid increases 10-100x. The degree of strengthening is approximate and it depends on the type of Somavedic controlling it. Certain frequencies that Somavedic and pyramid have, strengthen themselves and the total influence has a greater reach and is stronger.

Here are the results of tests
Somavedic Medic Green Ultra with a titanium pyramid with 100 mm base

All mentioned parameters are only related to the common influence of Somavedic Green Medic Ultra and the pyramid with 100 mm base.

Brain frequencies:
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence gama waves (40–100 Hz) : no
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence beta waves (40–100 Hz) : no
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence alpha waves (40–100 Hz) : yes
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence theta waves (40–100 Hz) : yes
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence delta waves (40–100 Hz) : no

Does it help increase concentration of negative ions in the air: yes

Influence on chakras and aura
To what degree does it harmonise biofield of chakras: 98 %
To what degree does it influence chakras activity: 38 %

To what degree does it harmonise aura of a human - how much can it “repair” aura: 100 %

Influence on GPZ (geopathic zones)
To what degree does it eliminate an impact of GPZ: 100 %
To what degree does it eliminate electro smog in general: 100 %

To what degree does it reduce harmful effect of wi-fi radiation: 100 %
To what degree does it reduce harmful effect of bluetooth radiation: 100 %
To what degree does it reduce harmful effect of microwave radiation: 100 %
To what degree does it reduce harmful effect of GSM networks: 100 %
To what degree does it reduce harmful effect of digital tv networks and radio signals: 100 %
To what degree does it reduce harmful effect of radiation from electrical current: 95 %

In this case the pyramid enhances the field of influence. That’s always individual based on a situation and the amount of stress in a given area. However even in the city centre this field can have 60 - 100 meters in radius and be 100 % effective in its full reach.

To what degree does it positively influence a development of special abilities: individual
To what degree does it help deepen meditation: individual
To what degree does it help concentration: individual
To what degree does it influence an improvement of total physical health state of a person: individual

To what degree does it influence an improvement of psyche: individual
To what degree does it eliminate a negative impact of an oncological “treatment”: individual
Does this set positively influence all beings in its sphere of influence: yes
Can the set eliminate malignant tumors: no
Can the set reduce a negative influence of antibiotics: yes

Can the set positively influence psychological well-being: yes
Does the set have a positive influence on functioning of both brain hemispheres: yes
Does the set have a positive influence on functioning of the connecting channel between brain hemispheres: yes
Does the set have a positive influence on increasing life energy of a person: yes

Does the set have a positive influence on increasing frequency vibrations of a person: individual
Does the set generate a protective field against an influence of black magic: yes
Can the set expel poltergeists from its field: yes

Other findings
The set can attract positive beings that are here on an astral plane for some reason. It can help people dealing with channeling - communication with higher spiritual beings.

When it comes to findings that are “individual”, the set influences those who are consciously working on themselves or have high enough frequency vibrations.

An effect of Somavedics on water is the same with and without a pyramid.

Somavedic Medic Amber and a titanium pyramid

All mentioned parameters are only related to the common influence of the device and the pyramid

Brain frequencies
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence gama waves (40–100 Hz) : no
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence beta waves (13–40 Hz) : no
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence alpha waves (7–13 Hz) : yes
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence theta waves (4–7 Hz) : yes
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence delta waves (1–4 Hz) : no

Does it help increase concentration of negative ions in the air: yes

Other parameters are the same as with Medic Ultra. What’s also interesting is that how a pyramid influences brain frequencies without Somavedic

Brain frequencies - an influence of only a titanium pyramid itself

Does a titanium pyramid positively influence gama waves (40–100 Hz) : no
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence beta waves (13–40 Hz) : no
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence alpha waves (7–13 Hz) : no
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence theta waves (4–7 Hz) : yes
Does a titanium pyramid positively influence delta waves (1–4 Hz) : yes

If you have Somavedic Green Medic Ultra, Amber or Gold and you want to strengthen its influence, then a titanium pyramid is a good choice. If you don’t have a Somavedic device and you want to buy a titanium pyramid, then if you intuitively feel it will be good for you and that it will help you on your path, then your feelings are right. If you are unsure or hesitate, then it’s not ideal for you. I wouldn’t buy it as a gift without knowledge of the one being gifted.

The pyramid can be easily deactivated. You just flip it over. A shipping box is designed for this purpose.